With various medications and vitamins I feel like I'm a pill popper. I'm sure we all feel that way. Depending on the symptoms of the day, we have a med for that. sometimes my sister says, "Are you trying to drug her up or what?!" Between me and my sister we so many meds, I don't know how my mom keeps them all straight. I started taking flourinef and so far it hasn't been helpful. Its made me gain weight and break out like crazy, so irritating! I noticed a few of my jeans are either tighter than usual or don't fit at all. All those girls who say they're fat but really they're not are usually super annoying but I know why they say it. When you go from being a fit gymnast with awesome abs to a couch potato in sweats, it doesn't help your self-esteem. I guess I can't complain too much since I'm still under size 2. I can't work out because 5 push ups and i'll be sleeping the rest of the day. I attempted yoga on the wii fit but it was difficult to moniter how much I could do without making too tired. 15 minutes? too long!
Sometimes I forget I'm sick or I feel like I must have made this all up in my head, but its the 2-3 day crashes that remind me I'm not crazy. Oh well, it sucks but it could be worse. Isn't CFS just a bucket of fun!? *sarcasim x100* :)